Shannon Maternity Session ~

Maternity sessions may be one of my favorite things to photograph. I just love the excitement and anticipation of a baby that is not even here yet. Then when you add an adorable family, it just becomes even more fun! Shannon is expecting #3, and […]

Rylee Harper is ONE!

I always look forward to Rylee’s session, because her momma comes very prepared 🙂 Between her and her adorable baby, they make my job very easy! Rylee is always in a good mood, and a very expressive little girl. She has baby blue eyes, and […]

Turner Family becomes 5!

When I first met Ashley, Daniel and Luke they were just an adorable family of 3! At Luke’s 18month session, Ashley said they may be contacting me soon for a pregnancy reveal session. Little did we know, they would soon find out that they were […]

Emma is 1!

This passed year really has flown by! I got to photograph Emma before she was even here. Her beautiful parents allowed me to photograph their maternity session, and I’ve gotten to see them for every milestone since! Emma is one of those babies that I […]