Callie Mommy & Me~

I posted this on Facebook the day we did this session.. here’s a little background on this wonderful Mom: “This morning I got to shoot a Mommy & Me session that was a little extra special to me personally. We have been trying to schedule […]

Jude Newborn Session

I just can’t get enough of the genuine love surrounding little Jude! His family is totally smitten, and you can tell by these photos. He was a little angel during his session, and I could’ve photographed them all day.  Here’s a look into our session […]

Milo Newborn!

Sweet Milo Leite came into the studio and was just as cute as he could be! Big Sis Olive loves her new baby brother, and I just love being able to photograph them. Kevin and Livia have been friends of my husband and I’s for […]

Claire Tea Party ~

For Claire’s third birthday, we had a tea party to celebrate! She picked out which stuffed animals she wanted to serve tea, and she totally hammed it up for the camera. Here’s a look into her adorable session! When the natural light hits those eyes, […]

Chelsea and Lucas <3

Photographing Momma’s and their babies has a new found meaning for me. I just love being behind the lens getting to see the interaction on camera, and freeze these moments in time for other moms. It is often fast and furious when you are photographing […]

Clark Family ~

It was finally perfect fall weather the morning of the Clark’s family session! Their outfits for family portraits were picture perfect, and we got to get some of little Anna for her first birthday as well! Despite our “1” balloon floating away, we managed to […]