Ellis Newborn Session ~

I just can’t get enough of this newborn session! Ellis was such a little angel, and her big sister was in her element being photographed. Their daddy is a professional singer, so of course we had to capture a few with the guitar. Here’s a […]

Callie Mommy & Me~

I posted this on Facebook the day we did this session.. here’s a little background on this wonderful Mom: “This morning I got to shoot a Mommy & Me session that was a little extra special to me personally. We have been trying to schedule […]

Jude Newborn Session

I just can’t get enough of the genuine love surrounding little Jude! His family is totally smitten, and you can tell by these photos. He was a little angel during his session, and I could’ve photographed them all day.  Here’s a look into our session […]

Mommy and Me Mini Sessions~

Ever since I became a Mom, photographing other Moms has become my newest passion. I have a whole new perspective behind the lens now, and I wanted to offer these sessions to capture the joy coming from within the Momma. So often (almost always) the […]

Milo Newborn!

Sweet Milo Leite came into the studio and was just as cute as he could be! Big Sis Olive loves her new baby brother, and I just love being able to photograph them. Kevin and Livia have been friends of my husband and I’s for […]